06 July 2010

A total ECLIPSE of my heart!


Love this.

My feelings completely.



Hale-O There said...

haha! Bella is annoying, in fact one of the most aggravating lead characters I have ever encountered. How could you be so pathetic to kiss one guy while your fiance stands by and watches. How was the race? Sorry I didn't run it, I would've held you back but perhaps next year...

Danielle said...

Can I copy and paste this picture to my blog???? Love it!!!!

The Ostlers said...

ha thank you for this! It made my whole day :)

Jessika and Josh said...

Bahaha. I absolutely love this! I couldn't agree more!! :)

SydTheSquid said...

Why are people so obsessed with twilight series ? honestly , i was going to read the books until i saw everyone else jumping on them. So i decided not to be another BangWagon fam .