07 April 2011

Final Day: Los Angeles

Lindsay had to work the day I flew out, so we wanted to make the most of our last full day together. We decided to drive out to L.A. (which should stand for Land of the Angry "Drivers") Really, I don't know how they can call what they do driving. Needless to say, we almost got killed by a mad biker dude, who decided to follow us and practically chase us down after honking at him... but ONLY to let the leather laden man know that he was way TOO CLOSE! (Deep Breath) However, I am happy to report that we survived... as did the angry man who looked like this.
We went to Griffith Park, Santa Monica Pier, and the L.A. Temple. All of it was amazing.

The view from Griffith Park, the famous HOLLYWOOD sign!

This was seriously magical for me! This was the exact Carousel where Walt Disney had his "revelation" for Disneyland! He would take his two girls here every Sunday, and while he was sitting watching them ride the Carousel with all the other parents who had nothing to do but watch, he started to dream up an activity park that had things for kids and parents to enjoy together. Don't you love that!? Even though the carousel wasn't open when we went, I still loved seeing it! :)

Santa Monica Pier! They have all these fun shops along the pier, and this huge Ferris wheel at the end of it! What?!

The L.A. Temple. It was beautiful! And such a sight for sore eyes through all the city buildings. The visitors center was so amazing and inspiring. I loved it. The church is doing good things :)

And finally...Lindsay's roommate had a birthday, so she threw a birthday/St. Patty's Day party. I have never seen so many people in my life! It was fun to go all out with the green and have a night full of fun!

I'm not really Irish....

And what better way to end the night, than by KARAOKE! Sing it Linds!! :D
Dear Lindsay, Thank you for being such an amazing and gracious hostess. I am blessed to have you as a friend. I owe you big time for letting me stay with you and have lots to repay you for!! Muah! And that's the end of my travel log. Thanks for letting me share! If you learned anything at all, I hope it's to watch out for those motorcycle drivers! Yikes! ;)

1 comment:

lj said...

Love this. Love you. So much fun (minus the traffic)!