03 February 2011

Day 4: The Reason You Belive You Are Still Alive Today

Hmmm... this is quite a loaded question! I feel like every person on this earth is here for a reason, and that those reasons are countless. I don't know all of my reasons for being here....maybe it's to show people that lurps can have a good time, or maybe it's to resurrect the poofy hair days ;) Whatever my reasons for being here may be, I have always felt like one of my "callings" in life is to become a Mother....

I have always wanted to be a Mom, and even though I'm not to that point in my life yet, I know it will soon come and that the wait will be well worth it. I know, I know... there are some preliminaries I must take care of first in order to get to that point, but I'm working on it people! Just calm down! And besides, who says you can't be forty and fertile?? :)


The Ostlers said...

haha we are both testaments to the fact that lurps can have a great time! You will be an AMAZING mom someday and your future offspring will be lucky to have you :)

Joe and Jocelyn Sigety said...

Forty and fertile.... Sounds like a great movie title;)! Love and miss you my friend/cousin! -joc